Some of the most common injuries are as a result of a slip and fall that has occurred on a damaged or slippery surface. Slip and falls can not only result in serious and painful injuries for individuals, but may also lead to costly and time consuming lawsuits. For these reasons organisations and businesses should make sure that floors are as safe as possible, so that customers and staff are safe from injury. Unfortunately slip and falls can occur on even the safest of surfaces. However by taking all reasonable precautions necessary this will reduce the likelihood of slips and falls, as well as potentially protecting and reducing the business liability.
Liability laws pertaining to employer responsibility
If a slip or fall injury should happen on your property, it is very possible that the injured person(s) may seek monetary damages from you by way of litigation. The best way to protect yourself from this is by being able to prove that you have taken all the necessary safety steps possible to avoid any health and safety risks. This can include a specifically documented record of any and all potential safety issues (and having them dealt with immediately), implementing a “sensible footwear” policy, as well as performing slip resistance pendulum tests on your flooring to determine the potential of slip and fall, and taking the appropriate measures to rectify it. If you follow these important steps, you will not only reduce the risk of injury to both you and your staff, it will also prevent you from having to pay out potentially huge compensation claims as well.
To see how slip resistance test are carried out, watch the video here.