In UK shopping centres and supermarkets, pedestrian slipping has been identified as the most significant safety issue. When every single slip could cost stores more than £15,000 in compensation to customers or workers, who are equally vulnerable, it makes economic sense to seek solutions.
According to one Health and Safety Executive report, the most risky areas for slips are at customer entrances to supermarkets or shopping centres on wet days, in washrooms, and on their retail floor space where spillages can occur. Most supermarkets and shopping centres have smooth floors and these tend to be slippery when wet, so today’s well-informed specifiers usually purchase slip-resistant flooring from manufacturers who can supply them with a technical specification sheet.
Tests are available to make an assessment of slipperiness. According to the Health and Safety Executive, the Pendulum test is the best, as described by BS7976 UK Slip Resistance Group’s guidelines. Another test, carried out by using a Surface micro roughness meter, can be used to indicate water contaminated conditions and changes to floor surfaces; and as a supplement to the Pendulum test.
Of course, the floor manufacturer’s data refers to flooring in its factory condition and the slipperiness of flooring materials can change significantly once they are installed, hence the requirement for testing. Regular slip tests are also vital to ensure that cleaning is being effectively carried out: in Bonasystems’ experience an out-of-the-box wet slip resistance of PTV 40 (accident risk of less than 1 in 1 million) and quickly degrade to a wet PTV of 24 or under (accident risk of 1 in 20 or worse).
Working with Bonasystems on a proactive slips risk prevention strategy offers you an effective solution in reducing risk, avoiding claim costs, protecting your reputation, adding value, and providing support as a genuine specialist partner. By taking care of your cleaning, you’ll be taking care of your profits.