Bonasystems has built-up unparalleled practical, on-site experience of cleanliness and slips issues in busy public buildings over the last 15 years. We provide expert advice on such topics as:
- Floor specification: how should you choose the right floor surface that looks great but is also easy to maintain in a safe, clean condition?
- Cleaning processes: what is the best combination of product, equipment, method, time and frequency to help you achieve your cleanliness brand standard goals?
- Slip Risk Assessment: what tests are or are not valid; how should you interpret the results?
- Slips prevention strategy: what can you do to reduce your slip risk with the aim of 100% confidence that even when your floors are wet, they are acceptably safe?
- Insurer-supported risk management: how might you engage with your insurer to contribute (financial or otherwise) into your slip risk management strategy?
Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements.